Borage flower 1

Focus on Borage

Borage and Bees It is sometimes known as Starflower because of the distinctive shape of its flower. However, the other name for Borage reveals why it is considered to be such a wildlife-friendly plant: Bee’s Bread. All sorts of bees will visit this plant. No bee-friendly garden should be without at least one Borage plant. There are three […]


Focus on Spurge

An acid-green, wildlife-friendly plant When I first moved to Bredfield, I was on the lookout for plants and flowers to put in the garden. With many other house-moving matters to think of, I wasn’t always very systematic about what I chose.  Whilst driving though Boulge one day, a house there was selling plants outside. I […]

Wildlife Area (3)

Coming to a church near you

Wildflowers!  On the afternoon of Sunday 11th April, a group of six residents took their forks, spades, trowels and rakes to the grounds of St Andrews church, Bredfield, to clear a patch for wildflowers.  There were three adults and three members of the next generation. The Parochial Parish Council has generously given us a small […]


The fall of the Song Thrush

Several Bredfield residents took part in this year’s RSPB Big Garden Watch. Watching and counting garden birds during this annual event is a delight but, in recent years, the edge has been taken off this delight when the results reveal a decline in some of our favourite garden birds. Perhaps the saddest news is that […]


Our Facebook page

Bredfield: Wildlife Friendly Village now has a Facebook page. It can be found at: Bredfield: Wildlife Friendly Village | Facebook Please visit and use the group page to post news, enquiries, advice or anything else related being wildlife-friendly in Bredfield. You will need a Facebook account to post to the group page. If you don’t […]


We’ve fledged!

Our community ‘Bredfield: Wildlife Friendly Village’ project has now fledged. We hope that everybody finds this website interesting. There is a lot of information here, so it is a resource to keep returning to. There will be regular news and features on the themes of nature, gardening and green spaces. If you would like to […]

Striped-faced Hoverfly Eristalis nemorum 11th Aug 2018

Focus on mint

Herbs are an important element of wildlife gardening and this is especially true for mint. Mint is great for bees, hoverflies and some butterflies, and you’ll find lots of culinary uses for it too: herbal tea, mint sauce, salad ingredient, and spicing up those boiled potatoes. The only problem with mint is that it is […]

Raven in flight crop

Ravens in Bredfield

After 140 years of absence, Ravens are returning to Suffolk and, this year, they have been seen in Bredfield. On 1st March 1921, Paul Wigens was alerted by a distinctive ‘gronk, gronk’ call above. When he looked up, three Ravens were flying overhead. They were seen twice again the same day, and once again the […]

Catkins in mass

Focus on Hazel catkins

Several types of tree have catkins – including Alder, White Willow and Silver Birch – but the earliest to appear in the year are the familiar golden-coloured Hazel catkins.  Bunches of Hazel catkins, drooping from branch twigs, can be seen from January to March.  The catkins are the male flowers of the Hazel tree and, if you look very close, […]