Our community ‘Bredfield: Wildlife Friendly Village’ project has now fledged. We hope that everybody finds this website interesting. There is a lot of information here, so it is a resource to keep returning to. There will be regular news and features on the themes of nature, gardening and green spaces. If you would like to write a news item or a short feature, let us know.
This is a community project that is much more than a website. The website is here to aid the sharing of information and, hopefully, to provide some motivation to be wildlife-friendly. The success of the project depends upon local individuals, families and groups doing small things to help wildlife thrive in our village. There’s is no compulsion in this project and no moral pressure. But there are rewards: a reward for nature; and a reward for the community. Nature is endlessly interesting and rewarding in all the sights and sounds it brings.
Two years ago, or more, the following words were written in the Bredfield Neighbourhood Plan: “The gardens and associated spaces within the parish provide a wide range of semi-natural habitats with significant biodiversity value. Simple actions taken across the community such as creating a community nature reserve in small areas across the parish can have significant benefits for wildlife and add an enjoyable focus to community life.” Finally, after some long months, this idea has found wings.
Sadly, COVID lockdown is not an auspicious time to be launching a new community project. In better times, we would have organised an event at the village hall, but this will have to be postponed. In better times, we would be getting a group together to do some wildflower planting , but this will also have to wait. In the meantime, please do whatever you can to help wildlife in your garden and in the village’s green spaces. There are plenty of tips and advice on this website.
We have a ‘Bredfield: Wildlife Friendly Village’ Facebook page, where people can share ideas, report successes and make enquiries. Please visit and become a member of the group page.
As a community endeavour, this project needs to have a group of people who can help shape, organise and direct activities. Please join this group, by dropping a note on the ‘contact us’ page.