Bredfield: Wildlife Friendly Village

Chiffchaff 2
Wildlife Friendly Green Spaces
Braod-bodied Chaser 2

Bredfield: Wildlife Friendly Village is a community project. Our vision is that Bredfield’s green spaces and gardens will be places where wildlife thrives. We encourage connecting with nature, promote wildlife-friendly practices, and support learning about wildlife. We will join with other villages and organisations to share practices and help create a network of wildlife-friendly havens.


Nature In Danger

56% of wildlife species in Great Britain are in decline. Some of the hardest hit are well-known and popular, like Hedgehog and Turtle Dove.  165 species are considered critically endangered – these are the ones most likely to go extinct.

How you can help?
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Join our Facebook Group: report and hear wildlife news from Bredfield, join discussions; post your wildlife photos; and tell us about flowers and wildlife in your garden. Click on this Facebook button, then click on ‘Go to Group’.